Infrastructure projects should take energy efficiency into account

“Today, amalgamated hromadas invest a lot in infrastructure development. When repairing and constracting buildings, energy-efficient technologies must be taken into account. That’s why this topic is very important,” said Zinayida Boyko, Deputy Head – Head of Staff of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast State Administration, during the opening of the seminar “Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Technologies” held at Zaporizhzhia Local Government Development Centre on 9 February.

“The U-LEAD with Europe Programme pays great attention to energy efficiency,” said Oleksandr Svystun, director of the Zaporizhzhya LGDC. “Therefore, within the framework of the project “Increase of the capability of AHs for the implementation of energy management and improvement of the provision of energy efficiency consulting services” regional energy trainers were trained to help hromadas in this direction. It's important to understand that energy efficiency is not just about saving, but also about the image of the hromada and opportunity to attract investment.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.02.2018 - 11:13 | Views: 8185
Infrastructure projects should take energy efficiency into account

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