ANNOUNCEMENT! Forum “Zakarpattya – centre of Europe: development path and potential fulfilment” to be held on 22 February in Uzhgorod

On 22 February, the Forum “Zakarpattya – the centre of Europe: development path and potential fulfilment” will take place in Uzhgorod.

The Forum will be attended by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Regional Development, Housing, Communal Services of Ukraine, MPs of Ukraine, representatives of the Zakarpattya Oblast State Administration, Zakarpattya Oblast Council, rayon state administrations, rayon councils, local self-government bodies, amalgamated hromadas and public organisations of the Zakarpattya Oblast, international technical assistance projects and programmes, and expert environment.

Event organisers: the Zakarpattya Local Government Development Centre and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Objective of the Forum: discussion and elaboration of a common vision of the prospects for the development of the Zakarpattya Oblast in the context of the implementation of the state regional policy and the reform of local self-government in the region.

Event venue: “Zolota Hora” hotel complex (Uzhgorod Rayon, village of Barvinok)

Time: 8:30 – registration; 9:30 – start of Forum

Media accreditation form

For reference, please, contact 066-731-08-64 (Yuriy Livak)

12.02.2018 - 14:44 | Views: 11055
ANNOUNCEMENT! Forum “Zakarpattya – centre of Europe: development path and potential fulfilment” to be held on 22 February in Uzhgorod




Закарпатська область


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