Kozynska AH got special machinery to be used in winter and summer seasons

Special machinery has been delivered these days to the Kozynska amalgamated hromada in the Rivne Oblast. As reported by the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the multifunctional excavator BOREX 2206 with a trailer was purchased by the hromada at the expense of the infrastructure subvention funds. The total cost of the equipment is UAH 1082.5 thousand, where UAH 5.2 thousand were contributed by the village council.

“This machinery will be useful for us in winter and summer. In winter we will use it for cleaning roads from snow, at other times to turn in the landfills, remove garbage from unauthorised landfills, and carry out other important work, in particular, as an excavator for trench digging,” says Yuriy Kostyuk, head of the Kozynska AH

The machinery is transferred to the balance of the communal enterprise “Kozyn-Service” and will start work in a few days, after proper setup and run-in tests.

09.02.2018 - 08:05 | Views: 8849
Kozynska AH got special machinery to be used in winter and summer seasons


Рівненська область


Козинська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Козинська територіальна громада


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