New outpatient clinic in Novoukrayinka – good example of cohesive cooperation between rayon management and AH

As part of a working trip to the Novoukrayinka Rayon, the head of the Oblast State Administration examined a renovated municipal outpatient clinic of general practice – family medicine No 2.

The institution was established in the densely populated district of Novoukrayinka, the most distant from the rayon hospital. In order to bring healthcare services closer to the residents of the district, last year local authorities decided to open an outpatient clinic in this part of the town, where the residents of the villages of Zvirivka and Novooleksandrivka will be able to receive healthcare services as well.

More than UAH 665 thousand were allocated from the rayon budget in 2017 for the overhaul of the institution. In addition, project implementation was supported by local farmers, who invested more than UAH 145 thousand in repair work. The outpatient clinic is equipped with the necessary medical and technical equipment. There is a device for ultrasound therapy, steriliser, ECG machine, UHF machine, computer connected to the Internet, and refrigerator. Novoukrayinska AH has allocated a subvention in the amount of UAH 30 000 for the purchase of furniture. The total cost of the project amounted to UAH 1 million.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

09.02.2018 - 08:04 | Views: 9420
New outpatient clinic in Novoukrayinka – good example of cohesive cooperation between rayon management and AH


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