“Decentralisation Wave” is expected in Rivne Oblast

The Rivne Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programe, and the Rhythm TV and Radio Company have agreed to implement a joint project called “Decentralisation Wave”.

During the week, from 12 to 16 February, the heads of the AHs of the Rivne Oblast and experts of the LGDC will be the guests of the live discussion on the Rhythm FM radio station broadcast from 13.15 to 13.45.

Each day will be devoted to a certain topic: regional development, finance in the AHs, decentralisation in the Rivne Oblast, healthcare reform and results of 2017.

The “Decentralisation Wave” will finish with the analysis of the state of decentralisation in the Rivne Oblast in the evening television programme “Direct Speech” on Rhythm TRC, with the participation of oblast leaders.

The audience will be able to ask their questions on-line or send them in advance to the Facebook page of the Centre.



09.02.2018 - 08:09 | Views: 8916
“Decentralisation Wave” is expected in Rivne Oblast


Рівненська область


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