Cross-border cooperation will help AHs to attract resources

Cross-border cooperation will help hromadas to attract resources for the development of their territories and to study the best practices of local self-government in the European Union. This topic was discussed at a specialised seminar on the preparation of project applications for a competition of the projects of Ukraine-Romania cross-border cooperation programme, held at Ivano-Frankivsk Local Government Development Centre with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

“The issue of regional development in the European Union is measured by billions. Ukraine has still no access to EU infrastructure funds yet, but cross-border cooperation programmes enable AHs to attract additional extrabudgetary resources in cooperation with communities of the neighbouring countries,” said Ihor Melnychuk, regional development expert of the LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



08.02.2018 - 10:24 | Views: 12291

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Івано-Франківська область


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