Six more AHs of Cherkasy Oblast will receive their development strategies this year

The Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion has announced a competition for selection of hromadas, that will be supported in preparation of their development strategies that enabling hromadas to become successful and prosperous.
“The winners of the competition will receive free assistance from our experts in preparing development strategies for their hromadas,” said Serhii Slynko, director of the Cherkasy LGDC. “According to the results of the competition, which we announced last year, 7 AHs were selected, and experts of the LGDC and Regional Development Agency helped them to prepare their development strategies. As a result, development strategies of three AHs have been already prepared for public discussion, and two more will be made public in the nearest future.  Why is it important for a hromada to have its development strategy? Because it is a plan for the hromada successful future created carefully and in detail by analysing resources, potential, and unique capabilities of each AH.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Черкаська область


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