Delegation of Donetsk Oblast adopted communications experience of Sumy Oblast

The delegation of twenty representatives of hromadas and local governments from the Donetsk Oblast visited the Sumy Oblast to study the experience of internal and external communication.

Polytical strategist Nataliya Sablin taught the AH representatives to present their hromadas to the investor: “The hromada needs to determine investment direction it is interested in. Investors should be given maximum benefits. The authorities should be completely open to the investor. It is necessary to communicate constantly with partners, be prepared to provide quick help, and open offices for servicing investors.”

The delegation from the Donetsk Oblast also got acquainted with work organisation in the Berezivska AH – the first hromada established in the Sumy Oblast.

The training took place within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Oleksandr Khoruzhenko, director of the Sumy Local Government Development, noted: “Today we are welcoming the delegation of the Donetsk Oblast, and tomorrow another oblast will welcome us, as options for horizontal exchange of experience and joint activities are envisaged in 24 LGDCs, including the one in Sumy.

Thus, in 2018, the Sumy LGDC, together with the heads of the AHs and representatives of local self-government bodies, plans about 20 study tours to other oblasts. Besides, 7 visits from other oblasts to the Sumy Oblast are previewed.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.02.2018 - 14:31 | Views: 11939


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Донецька область Сумська область


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