Establishment of joint ASC: benefits, risks and establishment procedure – expert explanations

Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery analysed the benefits and risks of establishing a joint (town-rayon / village-rayon) Administrative Service Centres and developed a detailed algorithm for the establishment of a joint ASC.

The topicality of the issue is that it is inappropriate to establish and simultaneously maintain two ASCs – under the executive body of local self-government and under the rayon state administration – in the settlements that are the administrative centres of rayons.

Therefore, one of the special ASC models is the establishment and functioning of such an office that would serve both the hromada residents (central settlement – administrative centre, which is simultaneously the rayon centre or city of oblast significance with the homonymic rayon located around) and residents of the rayon.

You can get acquainted with the following documents by the links below:

  1. Joint ASC – benefits and risks

  2. Procedure of establishment of a joint ASC

02.02.2018 - 17:41 | Views: 20056
Establishment of joint ASC: benefits, risks and establishment procedure – expert explanations


Administrative services

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