Volodymyr Kravets, head of Vyshnivetska hromada: “If it is profitable, we will repair roads according to Argentinian technologies”

The Ternopil Oblast is one of the regions where the process of villages’ amalgamation into hromada is active.

There are no doubts that this direction is correct. The Vyshnivetska hromada, formed a bit more than a year ago, is a vivid example showing impressive achievements. In order to learn more about what has been done, and what is planned, our journalists organised an interview with Volodymyr Kravets, head of the Vyshnivetska amalgamated hromada, and his deputy Yulia Tsymbalyuk.

“Ballast cover is unreasonable, because in a short time such a road will require new investments”

– What was the life of the Vyshnivetska hromada like over its first year?

Volodymyr Kravets: “During this year, we managed to do a lot of useful things. Although some planned tasks were not fulfilled for objective reasons, but I am convinced that in 2018 we will succeed in their accomplishment. At first, many construction works were started, including repairs of roads and sidewalks, roofs’ renovations in three schools, repairs in kindergartens and much more. Even the mini-park, where the main Christmas tree of Vyshnivets was lit up, looks quite different now. I believe the residents of our hromada have noticed it, and on my part I will say that all this is done for people, and not for the head or deputies of the rural settlement council.”

– What are the priority projects of the Vyshnivetska hromada for 2018?

V.K.: “These are mainly the projects related to educational institutions. We plan to complete renovation of schools, insulate the facades, and replace the windows. Besides, we will prioritise roads’ repairs. And in spring we plan to complete the lighting all over the hromada.”


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

30.01.2018 - 10:01 | Views: 11425
Volodymyr Kravets, head of Vyshnivetska hromada: “If it is profitable, we will repair roads according to Argentinian technologies”


Тернопільська область


Вишнівецька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Вишнівецька територіальна громада



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