Druzhkivska hromada will be comfortable to live in

This year, the process of AH forming is intensifying in Druzhkivka. It’s too early to talk about holding the first AH elections, but even prior to amalgamation, the future hromada is building up a powerful centre opening new infrastructure facilities. This will allow the hromada to stand firm and continue to evolve after amalgamation.

Last year, a modern Administrative Service Centre as well as secondary school were opened in Druzhkivka. Today, on 24 January, a small swimming pool has begun its work, children’s infectious department has been opened after reconstruction in the town hospital, and two youth centres “Lesya Hub” and “Art HUB” have appeared.

“I am pleased that Druzhkivka does not just spend funds, but invest them. The funds were used efficiently enough and Druzhkivka received an additional financial resource. It should be comfortable in Ukraine,” said Pavlo Zhebrivskyi, head of the Donetsk Oblast State Administration, who took part in the opening of the facilities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

24.01.2018 - 17:23 | Views: 11124
Druzhkivska hromada will be comfortable to live in

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Донецька область


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