Employment of population as one of key priorities of Baykovetska AH

Ensuring employment is one of the main tasks of amalgamated hromadas. Each AH pays great importance to the preservation and development of its human capacity.

The Baykovetska AH in the Ternopil Oblast is one of the most prosperous hromadas in Ukraine. By its financial capacity, it belongs to the 20 most successful Ukrainian hromadas. The main share of the hromada budget comes from the powerful foreign invested enterprise that manufactures on-board systems for world-renowned cars. Nevertheless, employment of the local population and minimisation of youth migration abroad is one of the key tasks of concern even to the Baykovetska hromada.

In order to prevent unemployment and ensure employment of the hromada population, at the end of last year the village council approved an important programme document – the Employment Programme of the Villages of the Baykivtsi Village Council for 2018-2020. According to Mykola Duma, first deputy head of the village of Baykivtsi, as a result of the Programme implementation, an employment rate increase and activation of small and medium-sized business are expected in the hromada.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

24.01.2018 - 17:15 | Views: 18020
Employment of population as one of key priorities of Baykovetska AH


Тернопільська область


Байковецька територіальна громада


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