Competition of journalist reports on „Success Stories of Hromadas“ started in Kharkiv Oblast

The Kharkiv Oblast Council and the Council of Europe invite authors of the journalist reports (printed, online, radio and TV materials), as well as school publications, featuring the development and best practices of the formation of capable hromadas in the Kharkiv Oblast, high-quality results of the reform of local self-government and decentralisation in the oblast, as well as local initiatives, who help to develop their land, write in an interesting way about local and regional democracy in Ukraine and abroad, to submit their works to the Kharkiv Oblast Competition of journalist reports on “Success Stories of Hromadas” in 2018, launched in 2017 in accordance with the methodology adapted to the regional context of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Territorial Consolidation in Ukraine”.

The purpose of the competition is to bring to the audience and spread the idea that positive changes in the state – both in a small village and metropolitan city – depend primarily on the initiative of the residents, on their desire to join the life of their hromadas.

Applications and materials are accepted: by 31 March 2018. To participate in the competition one has to fill in the online application form (

The journalist materials placed in the regional and local mass media of all types (television and radio companies, printed and online media, school media) and forms of ownership (state, communal, private) from 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2018, are accepted for the competition. The terms of the Competition provisions can be found on the website of the Kharkiv Oblast Council in the section “Competitions, grants”. In case of any questions arising in connection with the participation in the competition, please, contact: (057) 700-53-05, (057) 715-73-63, or send an e-mail to

Competition nominations:

  • «Best publication in the printed media»;

  • «Best online publication»;

  • «Best radio report»;

  • «Best video report»;

  • «Best publication in the school media».

Awarding ceremony will be held in June on the occasion of the Journalism Day. The authors who will become the winners of the competition in the relevant nominations will receive monetary rewards and diplomas:

  • 1st prize – UAH 7 thousand in every nomination;

  • 2nd prize – UAH 5 thousand in every nomination;

  • 3rd prize – UAH 3 thousand in every nomination.

Please note – materials submitted to the Kharkiv Oblast Competition can be also submitted to All-Ukrainian Journalism Competition “Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Power”, conducted by MinRegion of Ukraine in cooperation with the Council of Europe – follow the announcements on the websites of MinRegion and Council of Europe. You can also find out more about the All-Ukrainian Journalism Competition by calling (044) 458-44-40, (097) 917-70-70, (050) 500-23-38, by e-mail:, and on the Facebook page @MediaContest2017 (або

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.01.2018 - 10:49 | Views: 9980
Competition of journalist reports on „Success Stories of Hromadas“ started in Kharkiv Oblast




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