Salt from Soledarska hromada to be sold to Europe

On 18 January, the State Enterprise “Artemsil” in Soledarska AH launched two new production lines for cleaning and packaging of edible salt.

In 2017, the state enterprise completely abandoned the Russian market, that previously accounted for half of the production volume. At the same time, Artemsil strengthened its vector to Europe, sending technical salt there. In order for Europeans to consume edible salt from the Donetsk Oblast, the enterprise has invested in a new line of purification by means of photosynthesis and further packaging into new cardboard packs of 1 kg and 500 grammes.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.01.2018 - 14:05 | Views: 14615

Attached images:


Донецька область


Соледарська територіальна громада


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