17 March 2025

Chmyrivska AH is one year old. First steps of hromada

The Chmyrivska amalgamated hromada was established one year ago. During the press tour organised by the Luhansk regional department of the Association of Ukrainian Cities within the framework of the Pulse project (USAID), the journalists learned about one-year experience of the hromada, its achievements and future people dream of.

The first local government elections in the newly formed hromada took place on 18 December 2016. Today, the Chmyrivska AH is an area of ​​206.23 square km with 8004 residents. It includes eight settlements: Chmyrivka, Zaporizke, Stepove, Butove, Pishchane, Vyshneve, Orykhove and Novoomelkove.

- I believe that we are only at the beginning of the gradual sustainable development, but the results are already evident, says Serhiy Voytenko, head of the Chmyrivska AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.01.2018 - 08:39 | Views: 8332
Chmyrivska AH is one year old. First steps of hromada


Луганська область



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