We have passed threshold of seven hundred amalgamated hromadas, - Volodymyr Groysman

An active process of voluntary amalgamation of hromadas continues in Ukraine. 665 AHs are already working within the new conditions provided by decentralisation, 39 AHs, as of 12 January, are waiting for the decision of the Central Electoral Commission to appoint the first local elections on their territory, announced Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine.

“In spite of obstacles and populism, the country is moving forward. Establishment of amalgamated hromadas is a striking example. We have passed the threshold of seven hundred of AH. Now there are 39 hromadas waiting for the decision of the CEC to appoint the first elections. 665 hromadas are currently working on solving many tasks that have not been solved for years. In detail, over 3,000 local councils formed 704 AHs, in other words, they assumed responsibility for the development of their territories and formation of qualitative living standards for people. There is no doubt that these hromadas have chosen the right way,” said Volodymyr Groysman.

The Prime Minister congratulated such hromada decisions and emphasised that the Government would not retreat from the commitments made in the area of ​​reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power.

16.01.2018 - 10:00 | Views: 16239
We have passed threshold of seven hundred amalgamated hromadas, - Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman


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