Personnel issues in amalgamated hromadas: experts provided explanations

Experts of the Analytical and Legal Group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion (with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme) prepared the answers (DOWNLOAD) to the urgent personnel-related questions from the newly established amalgamated hromadas:

  • On payment of dismissal benefits,
  • On approval of the council’s structure simultaneously with all departments,
  • On approval of personnel list with due account of positions of acting starostas, secretaries (potential record keepers of an AH council), whose authorities have terminated,
  • On termination of authorities of the officials, who occupy elected positions, in case of their temporary incapacitation or maternity leave,
  • On employment of a public official within the AH council in the form of a transfer,
  • On transfer of local self-government officials from elected positions to nonelected ones without a competition (for instance, from the position of a deputy head to the position of a department head),
  • On possibility of using personnel reserve in the local self-government bodies,
  • On definition of “equivalent” position in the local self-government bodies,
  • On requirements for minimum and maximum quantitative staffing for structural subdivisions in the local self-government bodies (department, directorate, unit, sector),
  • On positions of advisers to the AH head,
  • On secondary employment (part-time job) of certain types of positions and / or activities,
  • etc.
12.01.2018 - 10:05 | Views: 57436
Personnel issues in amalgamated hromadas: experts provided explanations

Attached files:


personnel legal counselling personnel legal counselling education education management Lesia Fedchenko


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10.02.2022 - 15:13
Доброго дня, прошу надати роз"яснення в селищній раді створена окрема юридична особа - апарат селищної ради. Яким чином відбувається переведення працівників з селищної ради в апарат селищної ради(дві окремі юридичні особи). Дякую за відповідь
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