Healthcare reform: what should primary healthcare institutions do in 2018?

The healthcare reform has begun: the law on the healthcare reform was signed by the President, and the Cabinet of Ministers approved  the key documents. Today we will tell what primary healthcare institutions should do in 2018.

In 2018, communal primary healthcare institutions have to:

Only healthcare institutions with the status of communal non-profit enterprises will be able to conclude agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine and receive direct funding from the State Budget for the services provided.

  • Ensure computerisation, select the MIS (medical information system) and connect to the electronic healthcare system, receive electronic digital signatures for the institution and doctors
  • Bring the equipment and material procurement of the institution into conformity with the Technical Equipment List
  • Ensure the provision of primary healthcare on weekends and holidays, as well as substitution of the main doctor on vacation, sick leave or during advanced training
  • Start to actively inform and sign declarations with patients on the choice of a primary healthcare physician

The campaign on choosing a primary healthcare doctor will start in April 2018. By this time the signing of Declarations on the choice of the doctor is carried out in a pilot mode. It is done so that doctors have time to learn how to use the functions of the medical information system, as well as to test the central component of the electronic healthcare system.

  • Conclude an agreement with the National Health Service of Ukraine

In January, the competition for the position of the Head of the Service will be announced, and the NHSU will be formed and will start its work by July.

09.01.2018 - 14:33 | Views: 18718
Healthcare reform: what should primary healthcare institutions do in 2018?




Міністерство охорони здоров'я України

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