There are no AHs established in one third of Ukrainian rayons

Not a single amalgamated hromada has been established in 146 out of 490 rayons, wrote Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, on his Facebook page.

“During 2015-2017, local councils completed amalgamation procedures and held the first local elections in 665 AHs, located in 321 rayons of 24 oblasts of Ukraine. At the same time, not a single AH has been established in 146 out of 490 rayons,” imformed the First Deputy Minister.

Most of these rayons are in the Kyiv Oblast – 18 out of 25, Kharkiv Oblast – 17 out of 27, Kirovohrad Oblast – 13 out of 23, Odesa Oblast – 13 out of 26, Vinnytsya Oblast – 8 out of 27, Zakarpattya Oblast – 8 out of 13, Kherson Oblast - 8 of 18 rayons.

Vyacheslav Nehoda noted that oblast state administrations, regional reform offices, and international technical assistance projects need to analyse the reasons of this situation and strengthen informative and explanatory work in the communities of these rayons.

05.01.2018 - 11:04 | Views: 17214
There are no AHs established in one third of Ukrainian rayons

Attached images:


V.Nehoda rayon


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