New equipment was purchased for the Oleshanska rural amalgamated hromada

In order to meet the hromada’s needs and improve the quality of communal services provided to the population, last week the Oleshanska rural amalgamated hromada received a new tractor MTZ 82 “BOREX” for waste collection, transportation, disposal and storage on the AH territory and hinged equipment for roadway cleaning and adjusting between villages in winter season.

With the support of Volodymyr Haburak, head of the Rayon State Administration, and Vasyl Dvoyak, head of the Rayon Council, UAH 930 thousand were allocated for the purchase of special technical equipment from the oblast environmental protection fund.

The new machinery will increase the number and quality of communal services provided to the population, as well as promote the development of the AH villages, improve the ecological situation and ensure comfortable living conditions in the rural area.

03.01.2018 - 09:48 | Views: 9080
New equipment was purchased for the Oleshanska rural amalgamated hromada


Івано-Франківська область


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