23 kilometres of street lighting networks were built in Chopovytska AH

On the New Year’s eve, 31 December, street lighting networks of a total length of 23 kilometres were put into operation in 7 settlements of the Chopovytska AH. The total budget of the project is more than UAH 2.3 million, about UAH 200 thousand of which are hromada's own funds, and over 2 million – the infrastructure subvention of the state.

“If there is a lighting system in the hromada’s centre – the town of Chopovychi – in some of the villages that joined the administrative centre there were no streetlights at all. Today, due to decentralisation, we covered over 70% of the streets and lanes of all AH settlements,” said Mykhaylo Filonenko, head of the Chopovytska AH.

We installed modern lighting systems that reduce the cost of electrical energy by 10 times. New LED-lights with special light-scattering lenses have a power of 30 watts, while the previous lamps of 250 watts used more energy.

“There have been more changes in our village of Yosypivka over one year, than over 25 previous years. More than UAH 1 million were spent on replacement of windows and doors of the local school, a lighting system was set up in 5.3 kilometres of streets. We would have never been able to do this on our own,” shared Halyna Shobotenko, starosta of the village of Yosypivka of the Chopovytska AH.

During January, a new lighting network is to be launched in one more village of the hromada. In general, during this year, the hromada authorities plan to complete the modernisation of the lighting network in the AH.


Житомирська область


Чоповицька територіальна громада


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