Prime Minister: Further decentralisation remains priority for Government

The decentralisation reform launched in 2014 remains the priority of the Government’s work. According to the data of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, financial decentralisation provided growth of local budgets to UAH 170 billion in 2017, while the own revenues of 366 amalgamated hromadas, established as a result of the reform and involved in interbudget relations, grew 1.8-fold.

Hromadas dispose of their own funds in full and independently, being able to direct them to the most urgent needs of people. Among them are the improvement of settlements infrastructure - from roads to playgrounds, equipment of outpatient clinics, hospitals and polyclinics, construction and renovation of schools and kindergartens, launching  administrative service centres, resolving the issue of collecting and utilizing garbage.

Every quarter a special almanac is published in Ukraine, bringing the most interesting examples of the development of AHs and the most important projects implemented locally.

As Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman has repeatedly emphasised, nobody is going to stop decentralisation, because the government model of Ukraine's social and economic development is based on a system of strong local self-government. At the same time, as the Head of Government drew attention, powers and financial resources bear not only prospects, but also responsibility - to effectively and efficiently develop existing opportunities.

No less important, according to Volodymyr Groysman, is the involvement of local authorities in the fundamental changes currently taking place in the education system, healthcare and energy efficiency. The projects of construction of educational infrastructure objects, as well as thermo-modernisation of housing, should become a priority for local self-government bodies, the Prime Minister is sure.

Also he stresses that the state is ready to make efforts to support the regions - primarily through the resources of the State Fund for Regional Development. The state budget for 2018 envisages UAH 6 billion of allocations for the SFRD. The subvention for the formation of the infrastructure of AHs will amount to UAH 1.9 billion.

02.01.2018 - 10:54 | Views: 14715
Prime Minister: Further decentralisation remains priority for Government


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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