Internally displaced people as factor for improving social infrastructure in Sursko-Lytovska AH

The Fire Safety Centre, that plans to employ internally displaced persons and ATO veterans, will be built and equipped in the Sursko-Lytovska amalgamated hromada in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

It will be possible due to implementation of a respective subproject within the framework of subprojects’ implementation under the World Bank Grant “Conflict Response and Recovery Pilot and Capacity Building”. Improvement of the social infrastructure of the host hromada is one of the possibilities provided for the implementation of the Grant.

Local authorities are already engaged in the construction of the Fire Safety Centre, and the grant will fund the purchase of appropriate equipment and necessary personnel training.

Subsequently, the project’s authors plan to employ the representatives of the host hromada and ATO veterans, as well as internally displaced people. Thus, in addition to improving social infrastructure, the possibility of social adaptation of target groups of citizens is forseen.

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