Two amalgamated hromadas in Sumy Oblast adopted development strategies for 2018-2020

The Boromlyanska and Krasnopilska AHs have how their main development document. It contains a brief description of the socio-economic and spatial development of the hromada, as well as strategic vision and mission, priority goals, hromada’s accountability, financial sources and strategy implementation tools.

The meetings of the working group with participation of Hryhoriy Starykov, regional development adviser of the Sumy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, in the mode of maximum involvement of experts and hromada residents to cooperation and discussion in order to write the most real and high-quality socio-economic plan for the development of amalgamated hromada, were the main form of work on the draft documents.

The strategy of the Boromlyanska AH is primarily aimed at supporting and developing primary,  secondary and extracurricular education. In the course of three years, a significant groundwork is planned to be done to create a berry cluster in the hromada (strawberry), said Hryhoriy Starykov.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Сумська область


Боромлянська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Краснопільська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Краснопільська територіальна громада Боромлянська територіальна громада


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