20 March 2025

Local fire brigade was opened in Myrnenska AH

On 21 December, a solemn opening of the local fire brigade took place in the Myrnenska amalgamated hromada of the Kalanchak rayon. This is the first subdivision of the local fire-fighting service in the oblast established by the AH. The main advantage of creating a local fire brigade is to assist people in liquidation of a fire or other extraordinary events and situations promptly, professionally and within the shortest time.

A group of 7 people will guard the settlements belonging to the hromada and those located nearby and difficult to reach for a professional fire subdivion. The voluntary fire brigade will operate on the territory of the Kalanchak bakery plant. All firefighters have been trained, and some already have combat experience.

Before cutting the ribbon at the entrance to the fire station, Serhiy Chornyi, Head of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kherson Oblast, told the audience that such moments are especially joyful for him, as they remind him of a familiar feeling when the countdown is in seconds and every moment can save human lives and property. He also wished the other AHs to set the priority task of increasing the level of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations.

21.12.2017 - 12:29 | Views: 13395
Local fire brigade was opened in Myrnenska AH


State Emergency Service (SES) safety


Херсонська область


Мирненська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Мирненська територіальна громада


«Херсонщина за день»

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