Parliamentary Committee has supported Draft Law on Establishment, Reorganisation and Liquidation, Naming and Renaming of Local State Administrations

The Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government recommended the Parliament to take as a basis the Governmental Draft Law on Establishment, Reorganisation and Liquidation, Naming and Renaming of Local State Administrations No 6641.

The draft law entitles the Cabinet of Ministers to establish, reorganise, liquidate, name and rename respective local state administrations in case of change of administrative and territorial set-up at the rayon level.

“There are already nine AHs with boundaries fully matching the borders of the respective rayons. And the number of such hromadas will further increase. The powers of the state administrations and executive bodies of amalgamated hromadas are overlapping there. The problem can be solved by changing the administrative and territorial set-up at rayon level, that will cause reorganisation or liquidation of the respective administration,” commented Serhiy Sharshov, Director of MinRegion’s  Department of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Power.

20.12.2017 - 17:08 | Views: 24029
Parliamentary Committee has supported Draft Law on Establishment, Reorganisation and Liquidation, Naming and Renaming of Local State Administrations


rayon S.Sharshov


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