One more amalgamated hromada appeared in Odesa Oblast

As it was reported by Dmytro Radulov, director of the Department of Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of the Odesa Oblast State Administration, one more amalgamated hromada – the Ovidiopolska settlement AH with an administrative centre in Ovidiopol – was established in the Odesa Oblast.

“The decision on the voluntary amalgamation of hromadas was taken by the Ovidiopol settlement and Kalahlia village councils. The Odesa Oblast State Administration is currently preparing an application for the Central Electoral Commission to appoint the first elections of deputies of the Ovidiopol settlement council of the amalgamated hromada and Ovidiopol head,” said Dmytro Radulov.

In total, in the course of three years of reform implementation, 108 town, village and settlement councils have already formed 25 amalgamated hromadas in the Odesa Oblast (at the beginning of the reform there were 490 councils in the oblast).

2017 was the most fruitful year: 14 AHs have been established in the Odesa Oblast, taking into account the two ones, where the elections will take place on 24 December. At the same time, 8 AHs were formed in the oblast in 2015, and 3 AHs in 2016.

The total area of amalgamated hromadas of the Odesa Oblast amounts to 8 thousand square metres and covers 24% of the oblast territory. The number of residents living on the territory of amalgamated hromadas of the Odesa Oblast is 260,2 thousand people (10.9% of the total number of residents of the oblast).


Одеська область


Сайт Одеської ОДА

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