Role and opportunities for universities in European Strategy for Danube Region

On 8-9 December, a meeting of scientists, public organisations, EU experts, representatives of the Regional Development Agencies and higher educational institutions of the Odesa, Chernivtsi, Zakarpattya and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts in the framework of the international conference, took place at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, with the support of MinRegion and the Ministry of Education. Besides, within the framework of the event, a separate meeting was held with the leadership of the Chernivtsi Oblast.

The purpose of the conference was to increase the participation of universities and development of scientific cooperation within the framework of the European Strategy for the Danube Region (ESDR), presentation of the best practices of university management and Smart Specialisation strategy. Application of research experience of the higher educational institutions, development of their innovative potential and cooperation between representatives of science, authorities and business forms the capability of the region and contributes to its economic and social development.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.12.2017 - 16:50 | Views: 7306
Role and opportunities for universities in European Strategy for Danube Region


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