Participants of U-LEAD with Europe Programme got acquainted with best practices of administrative service delivery in Ivano-Frankivsk ASC

17 participants of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery for the population from the Skalatska, Starosynyavska, Severynivska and Medzhybizhska hromadas made a study visit to the Ivano-Frankivsk Administrative Service Centre (ASC).

Within the framework of the event, the AH representatives got acquainted with the best practices of the ASC and passed a practical training with the administrators of the ASC in Ivano-Frankivsk. The participants received an opportunity to improve their skills in working with visitors, admitting citizens, processing cases, and practice complete mechanism of administrative and authorisation services’ provision.

Besides, Ivano-Frankivsk ASC experts showed their colleagues how they work with specialised software, electronic queue and hromada register.

The training participants noted the importance of its practical direction, as well as the fact that they had a wonderful opportunity to perform the duties of administrator and receive comprehensive answers to their questions regarding ASC operation.

Ulyana Khlystun, first deputy mayor of the town of Skalat, emphasised the efficiency of the training for ASC specialists: “This visit showed us the practical side that can be used in the process of ASC establishment. Our administrators and registrars got very useful experience from their colleagues from Ivano-Frankivsk.”

It is worth reminding that within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery, regular study visits of AH representatives-participants of the Programme are carried out to the modern and efficient administrative service centres.

06.12.2017 - 17:15 | Views: 16616

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Administrative services


Івано-Франківська область


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