4th phase of Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) to be implemented in Poltava Oblast

The meeting of the Poltava oblast leadership with the delegation of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) led by Oksana Garnets, Project Manager in Ukraine, was held in the Poltava Oblast.

Within the framework of the visit, a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Project was signed by the Poltava Oblast State Administration and oblast council, as well as by the Pyryatynska and Omelnytska AHs of the oblast. These are the hromadas where the Project will be implemented within the 4th phase.

“The new phase of the Project involves a comprehensive reforming of the centralised water supply system in the amalgamated hromada,” said Oksana Garnets, Project Manager of “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).

According to the results of the elaborated materials – application forms for participation from the hromadas of the oblast (the main criteria include presence of communal enterprises, number of population, number of CE subscribers, service coverage, length of networks and their legal status) and study visits to amalgamated hromadas, Omelnytska and Pyryatynska AHs were selected for the 4th phase of the project’s implementation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.12.2017 - 09:47 | Views: 9460
4th phase of Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) to be implemented in Poltava Oblast




Полтавська область


Сайт Полтавської ОДА

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