US volonteers will help amalgamated hromadas to develop, — MinRegion and Peace Corps signed memorandum of cooperation

MinRegion will encourage involvement of Peace Corps volunteers in development of amalgamated hromadas.

Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, shared this idea while signing the Memorandum on cooperation between MinRegion and Peace Corps within the framework of the “Hromadas’ development” project on 05 December 2017.

“Everyone is interested in making volunteer work in hromadas efficient. That is why they should work in places, where the most substantial changes occur, i.e. in amalgamated hromadas. Public organisations and local governments of AHs learn to work in new conditions – with new powers, resources and opportunities. International support, experience of volunteers, their knowledge will be effectively used and will help these hromadas to become successful,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

Danny Robertson, Director of the US Peace Corps in Ukraine, emphasised that their organisation can provide special support to amalgamated hromadas. “Our uniqueness is in our people. Volunteers have the necessary experience and training. They will live in hromadas and involve their residents in the process of positive change,” said Danny Robertson.

Volunteers are expected to help local authorities develop leadership skills and effectiveness of their employees, they will teach how to organise a volunteer project or socially useful event, as well as involve citizens and entrepreneurs in solving local problems, etc.

05.12.2017 - 19:27 | Views: 11236
US volonteers will help amalgamated hromadas to develop, — MinRegion and Peace Corps signed memorandum of cooperation





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