Hromada becomes full-fledged participant in healthcare transformations

Participants of the general meeting of the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas have shown that they are ready to change the primary healthcare sector and pay attention to rural medicine.

Representatives of AHs were enthusiastic about the initiative of the President of Ukraine presented by the experts of the “Rural Heathcare” project. Projects will pass a transparent competition. One of the criteria is hromada involvement in co-financing.

Heads of amalgamated hromadas understand the importance of the proposed changes, since this is a real opportunity to improve the health of their hromadas’ residents.

“Funding of rural healthcare is an investment in the health of the nation. Currently, UAH 5 billion are foreseen for these purposes,” said Oksana Syvak, expert of the “Rural Healthcare” project office.

Allotted funds will be used to improve village healthcare, including the construction of new outpatient facilities, equipment, and provision of transport.

Hromada projects should primarily focus on the quality and affordability of healthcare.

According to Oksana Syvak, it is extremely important that the “Rural Healthcare” initiative of the President will change the conditions of healthcare provision with the direct participation of hromadas. The latter have expressed a desire to be involved in the process of selecting the best projects.

For reference

Draft Law No 7117 on increase of affordability and quality of healthcare in rural areas, initiated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, was approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 14 November 2017. We are looking forward to the document being signed by the head of state in a few days.

06.12.2017 - 12:16 | Views: 11122
Hromada becomes full-fledged participant in healthcare transformations

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AOTH healthcare


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