Ukraine has approached the decentralisation reform equator. It is evidenced not only by established kindergartens, hub schools or kilometres of new roads, but primarily by the new quality of services in hromadas and citizens' lives. Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, stated this at the 2nd All-Ukrainian Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas.
“Today, we can talk about 665 hromadas, where the first elections have already been held or will take place in December 2017. Taking into account the hromadas waiting for the decision of the Central Electoral Commission, 688 AHs will be established at the beginning of the next year. And it brings Ukraine closer to the reform equator. After all, the number of established hromadas is converted into a new quality of life of people – convenient administrative service in an Administrative Service Centre, quality education for children and growth of their competitive abilities after graduation,” said Hennadii Zubko.
According to him, since the beginning of decentralisation, financial opportunities of hromadas have been increasing. “Budget decentralisation has increased local budgets from UAH 98,2 billion in 2015 to UAH 170,7 billion in 2017, and the budgets of AHs – from UAH 4,1 billion to UAH 7,5 billion, respectively,” said Mr Zubko.
He noted that necessary legislative framework availability is an important component of hromadas’ strengthening. “The Law of Ukraine (2489) “On the Service in Local Self-Government Bodies”, Law of Ukraine (4773) “On Amendments to the Budget Code on the Voluntary Accession of Hromadas”, Law of Ukraine (6466) “On the Voluntary Accession of Hromadas to the Cities of Oblast Significance”, Law of Ukraine (7118) concerning the management of land resources within the territory of AH, amendments to the Law of Ukraine (6403) “On Regulation of Urban Planning Development” are waiting for adoption in the Parliament.”
“It is precisely from the Parliament that the steps enabling hromadas to successfully develop and change depend on. Currently, 665 new leaders working for the sake of success of their hromadas have appeared in the independent and European Ukraine. It is the main victory of the decentralisation reform,” the official said.
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Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України
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