For children and adults: premises of former village council were converted into gym in the Radyvylivska AH

A modern sports gym was officially opened in the premises of the former village council in the Pidzamche starosta district of the Radyvylivska amalgamated hromada in the Rivne Oblast.

Mykola Karapetyan, head of the Radyvylivska AH, Oleksandr Dekhtyarchuk, people’s deputy of Ukraine, sponsors and benefactors took part in the event.

“Today, we will open a site that I promised to accomplish at the beginning of my present tenure,” said Mykola Karapetyan. “We have carried out major repairs here and purchased training equipment for a fairly substantial sum. We did everything so that your children are able to go in for sports. I am very grateful to all who helped us in this good cause. I would like this newly opened gym to be constantly filled with children and adults. The healthy future of our homeland, our healthy nation will be formed here.

In general, sports gym equipment cost about UAH 150 thousand. Almost UAH 90 thousand were invested by the town council in the premises’ renovation, and UAH 60 thousand were provided by benefactors for the purchase of sports equipment, in particular: magnetic orbitrec, fitness centre, gym wall-bars, athletic bench and barbell, training equipment for the development of hands and feet muscles, combined bench for abs training, and ping pong table.

In his turn, Oleksandr Dekhtyarchuk noted that according to the results of the Cabinet of Ministers' analysis, three out of five best-developed hromadas in the Rivne Oblast are located in the Dubno constituency – the Radyvylivska, Krupetska and Pryvilnenska hromadas. They show the dynamics of development and positive achievements in all directions.

The head of the Radyvylivska AH has instructed to find a specialist to take care of the sports equipment established here, and give recommendations to all those willing to become healthier.

04.12.2017 - 11:46 | Views: 11747

Attached images:


Рівненська область


Радивилівська територіальна громада


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