Innovations in decentralization: the very first in Ukraine Mobile Administrative Service Centre began operating in Slavuta сommunity with support of U-LEAD with Europe Programme

On November 30, the first in Ukraine mobile ASC started working in Slavuta community, Khmelnytskyi oblast. A specially equipped vehicle with workstations for two administrators and places for three visitors provides 80 types of services in theremote villages and settlements. This model, proven successful in European countries, is an absolute novelty for Ukraine.

This is the first time that U-LEAD with Europe Programme together with the local community implemented the “mobile” format of administrative service delivery. Now, the ASC staff will visit the residents in remote settlements on the regular basis: during the week, the vehicle will run 5 routes covering 20 settlements. This mobile ASC will provide access to high quality services for 8,000 residents of the remote areas in Slavuta community, including pensioners and people with disabilities.

The mobile ASC in Slavuta is a pilot project. This model will be implemented in other regions of Ukraine, provided it demonstrates economic efficiency. The cost of the mobile ASC is UAH 1.6mln and the local community contributed at least 10% of this amount.

Mr. Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services: "First of all, the decentralization reform is about development of human potential. An integral part of this development is the accessibility and quality of servicesprovided to the people, in particular administrative services. The administrative services centersrepresent theauthoritieswithin the communities. Therefore, the development of the ASCs’ system is an indicator of the reform’ssuccess. Today, a road map aimed at creation of a broad network of ASCs throughout Ukraine is already being implemented. This is our joint with the international partners plan for the next three years. In such centers Ukrainians will have the opportunity to communicate with the authorities through transparent offices, avoiding the need to appeal to the officials. I would like to thank our partners from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for their support to the reform and comprehensive assistance in development of the ASCs’network in the communities. Particularly, I would like to highlight the value of implementation of such non-standard solution as mobile ASC.”

Mr. Martin Hagström, the Ambassador of Sweden to Ukrainepersonally greeted the community residents on the occasion of the mobile ASC opening: “The decentralisation reform opens more opportunities for the citizens to be involved in the development and well-being of their region. We are very pleased to see such a fruitful cooperation between the Slavuta community and U-LEAD with Europe experts, which resulted in the opening of the very first mobile ASC in Ukraine.”

Mr. Benedikt Herrmann, Adviser on Decentralisation, Delegation of the EU to Ukraine: “Development of good local governance is one of the priorities of the EU-Ukraine cooperation. We are glad to see how actively local communities participate in cooperation projects of European partners. Slavuta community demonstrates success of the decentralisation reform taking place in Ukraine. We hope that the launch of a mobile Administrative Service Centre will strongly contribute to local empowerment and growth.”

Mr. VasylSydor, ChairmanoftheSlavutatowncouncil: “I am grateful to the U-LEAD with Europe experts and the EU countries for their support and contribution to the development of our community. Equipped with the best European practices, we will be able to improve the delivery of administrative services to our citizens.I hope we will demonstrate great results and will be able to share our experience with other communities in the near future.”

The mobile ASC provides the most popular services for the community residents. It is equipped with the terminal for cashless payments and there is an opportunity to install the passport issuing equipment. Revenues from the administrative services will be credited to the community budget.The mobile ASC can work as a “visiting administrator” when the ASC staff provide services to the people at their homes. The ASC staff have taken part in the advanced training course developed by Ukrainian and Swedish experts for the community residents.

The ceremony of the ASC opening in Slavuta was attended by representatives of the Embassy of Sweden to Ukraine,Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine,Khmelnytskyi Oblast State Administration,Khmelnytskyi Centre for Local Self-Government Development, etc.

Prior to the mobile ASC opening, an awareness-raising campaign was conducted in the community to help the local residents have a better understanding of the ASC operations and benefits, as well as the rights and responsibilities of ASC employees and service users.

It should be emphasised that 26 ASCs will be opened in Ukrainian amalgamated communities within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme which aims at improving the delivery of local administrative services. The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in 26 pilot communities of the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the next phase of the Programme. That is at least 600 ASCs by the end of 2020.

01.12.2017 - 15:03 | Views: 23043

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Administrative services


Хмельницька область


Славутська територіальна громада


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