Transparent social offices with decent conditions to receive citizens and provide high quality services

Almost 40 representatives of town and rayon social protection departments, along with the officials of the Donetsk Oblast amalgamated hromadas, came to Kharkiv to get acquainted with the work of transparent social offices.

The Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme and MinRegion, together with the Department of Social Protection of the Donetsk Oblast State Administration, organised the study tour “Exchange of the best practices on establishment of social service centres and provision of social services in the Kharkiv region”.

The city of Kharkiv was chosen for the study tour, because Kharkiv is one of the pilot cities, where these “transparent offices” are generally open and function efficiently. In the current year, the quality of administrative functions has been substantially improved in Kharkiv. Transparent offices, as well as the most powerful Regional Service Centre in Ukraine, were opened in two districts of the city. The Centre has 82 simultaneously working operators, provides about 400 services, and is able to serve 3,500 visitors per day.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



Харківська область


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