Second anniversary of Tuzlivska AH:  energy saving, water supply, healthcare

This autumn the Tuzlivska amalgamated hromada in the Odesa Oblast (Tatarbunary rayon) is celebrating two years since its establishment, and recently another 230-year anniversary of the central settlement, Tuzly village, has been celebrated here.

According to Larysa Kornovan-Moyseyenko, head of the hromada, a number of projects was implemented there in the course of two years of AH work: water supply problem was solved in Vesela Balka village, road and foot pavement surface was repaired, energy-saving LED lights are being installed along village streets, and a lot has been done to equip educational and healthcare facilities.

“The water supply and water tank tower problem existing for many years have been solved. Another important achievement is that this year our project has passed a complex competition for receiving funds from the State Fund for Regional Development, and UAH 7 million will be allocated to renovate the roof of Tuzly educational complex,” said the head of the hromada.

In addition, the work on insulation of the facade of the educational complex building has already begun, this year a new solid-fuel boiler has been installed here. Besides, internal doors and windows will soon be replaced by metal-plastic ones.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click on «Українською» in the upper right corner of this web page.

20.11.2017 - 14:12 | Views: 11824
Second anniversary of Tuzlivska AH:  energy saving, water supply, healthcare

Attached images:


Одеська область


Тузлівська територіальна громада

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