Story on how amalgamated hromada in Sumy Oblast earns money from garbage

A successful example of territory management was shown by the Krasnopilska amalgamated hromada.

Here, in the rural settlement, you can see such pretty garbage units.

They are created within the framework of the project on provision of public amenities. One such garbage unit costs UAH 15 thousand. It includes two iron bins, a grid box to collect plastic material, and a restrictive grid fence, so that the garbage does not fly over the streets.

Seven similar garbage units have been installed in Krasnopillya so far. However, as it was mentioned by Hryhorii Maslyuk, head of the Krasnopillya housing and utilities division, to the "SpetsKor", they have already started receiving orders for the production of similar garbage units from the villages belonging to the hromada.

12 more garbage units are planned to be installed in Krasnopillya rural settlement .

The Krasnopilska hromada can also boast of the new garbage removal truck. It was purchased at the expense of funds from the environmental fund and the local budget. In total about UAH 2 million were spent.

The residents themselves are actively involved in the improvement of public utilities’ provision. For example, they see us setting up a garbage unit, and try to somehow upgrade the territory near the houses themselves. For instance, people have asked for a playground here. We purchased it for the funds of hromada, and the residents helped to install it and keep it in proper condition.

Inna Lisun, head of the department of housing and communal services, public utilities’ provision and communal property of Krasnopilska AH

When we installed these grids, they limited the garbage from dispersing over the territory of the house. When the garbage flies out of the bin, it remains within this grid. The residents bring here the garbage that cannot be recycled. Besides, there is a basket for plastic material. We will collect it, and when a large amount is accumulated, we’ll sell it. We have even found the company in Sumy that is going to purchase the plastic waste.

Hryhorii Maslyuk, head of the Krasnopillya housing and utilities division

One 30-apartment house collects about two grids of bottles per month. They will continue to be sorted and sold for almost UAH 5 per kilogram. One grid box will bring about UAH 16. We have estimated that in a week we will be able to use the money earned from plastic recycling to fill up the garbage removal truck.




Сумська область


Краснопільська територіальна громада



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