Administrative Services Centre Opened in Kalyta with support of U-LEAD with Europe

On 1 November, a modern ASC was opened in the settlement of Kalyta in Kyiv oblast. Established by Ukrainian and Swedish experts, the Centre will offer over 88 administrative services, including the most in-demand services among the community residents such as registration of residents, notarial services, social security and pension services, land utilisation, local services, business and real estate registration.

U-LEAD with Europe Programme assisted the local community in establishing the ASC as well as furnishing the Centre with furniture and modern office equipment with specialised software.

The Kalyta ASC will employ seven staff members who have taken part in the advanced training course developed by U-LEAD experts for the amalgamated territorial community residents. The new ASC provides a high-quality access to the administrative services for nearly 13 thousand local residents. Previously, they had to travel 30 kilometres to receive these services in Brovary town.

Susanna Dellans, U-LEAD with Europe Inception Phase Project Manager, said: “We are very pleased that the new Centre has been created in line with the best practices and using Swedish experience in the delivery of convenient and barrier-free administrative services. We hope that the quality of service delivery at the ASC will meet the residents’ expectations. I am grateful to the local community for their effective partnership and proactive position”.

Lilia Popova, Head of Cooperation with Local Authorities, Department of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine, greeted the participants on behalf of the Ministry and said: “Over the period of three years, 665 amalgamated territorial communities have been established with the total population of nearly 6 million people. The Kalyta ATC is one of the first communities created in Kyiv oblast and is an example for others. We are confident that the joint efforts of international technical assistance programmes, central and local authorities, as well as the public, will result in many implemented projects that will improve the lives of Ukrainians.”

Oleksiy Hrystynchenko, Chairman of the Kalyta Settlement Council, said: “Thanks to the U-LEAD with Europe Programme our community was able to open the Administrative Services Centre fitted with new furniture and office equipment. Today we are ready to deliver the most in-demand services for our community residents. I would like to give special thanks for the trainings that helped the ASC staff to improve their competencies and enabled them to provide a high level of service to the residents”.

Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine took part in the ceremony of the ASC opening.

Prior to the ASC opening, an awareness-raising campaign was conducted to help local residents have a better understanding of ASC operations and benefits, as well as the rights and responsibilities of ASC employees and service users. The ASC is designed to ensure access for people with disabilities. There is also an indoor play area for children.

It should be emphasised that 26 ASCs will be opened in Ukrainian amalgamated communities by the end of 2017 within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme which aims at improving the delivery of local administrative services.

The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in 26 pilot communities of the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the next phase of the Programme. That is at least 600 ASCs by the end of 2020.

01.11.2017 - 15:09 | Views: 21100
Administrative Services Centre Opened in Kalyta with support of U-LEAD with Europe

Attached images:


Administrative services


Київська область


Калитянська територіальна громада


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