II Forum of Amalgamated Communities will Take Place in Kyiv  

On 4 December 2017, the II All-Ukrainian Forum of Amalgamated Communities will take place in Kyiv, with the participation of heads of communities which have amalgamated over the last three years, representatives of the business, investment organisations, the Government of Ukraine, central executive authorities, local self-government associations, international technical assistance projects, and experts.

The theme of needs and capacities of the amalgamated communities in terms of making a profit on an independent basis, implementation of projects that repay by new jobs and taxes to local budgets, and the fundraising will become an informational emphasis of discussions within the framework of the event.

It is a reminder that, as of today, there are 665 amalgamated territorial communities in Ukraine (in 252 of which, the first elections will be held on 29 October 2017 and 24 December 2017), each of which should become capable and deal independently with all matters of local importance. The Government has provided the communities with all tools required to develop their territories. The communities have been working in new conditions for a short period of time, a part of them will only transfer to direct inter-budgetary relations from the beginning of 2018, therefore, they also need, among other things, informational support in terms of formation of development strategies, favourable investment climate, conditions for the development of small and medium business, and otherwise, whereas the dealing with all those matters will help the communities to independently replenish local budgets and continue the development of their territories.

27.10.2017 - 13:50 | Views: 17208
II Forum of Amalgamated Communities will Take Place in Kyiv  




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