Call for participants of the event “Financing mechanisms for municipal sanitation services - ensuring sustainable local service provision and infrastructure”, to be held in Cologne, Germany from 18th to 20th September 2017

U-LEAD with Europe invites the representatives of Amalgamated Hromadas to submit their applications for participating in the Dialogue Event on Financing mechanisms for municipal sanitation services - ensuring sustainable local service provision and infrastructure, to be held in Cologne, Germany from 18th to 20th September 2017 organized by the international exchange platform Connective Cities and its initiators, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the German Association of Cities and Engagement GlobalgGmbH / Service Agency Communities in One World,.

The event is geared towards both German and international municipal actors with an interest in and firsthand experience in financing of municipal services in waste and wastewater management. Municipal actors include representatives of municipalities as well as representatives from municipally owned service companies, from civil society, academia and the business sector, active in financing municipal services in this thematic area. All participants are expected to engage proactively in the international dialogue by presenting their experience, showcasing examples of good practices in their municipality and/or identifying concrete challenges and needs they face.

Connective Cities is organizing the event in collaboration with the City of Cologne and Cologne’s relevant municipal companies dealing with sanitation issues. They will share their own experiences with financing mechanisms for municipal services related to waste and wastewater management.

Objectives of the dialogue event

An involvement of experts from municipalities, civil society and their organisations, as well as research, academia and businesses provides the right platform to pool experiences to discuss challenges and generate ideas for innovative and sustainable financing mechanisms for municipal sanitation services in order to provide equal access for all to these basic services.

The aim of the exchange is to show the possibilities of planning and implementing financing models in different local contexts, to check the regional applicability of the presented solutions and to discuss the respective challenges. The event in Cologne will foster learning among participants through presentation of good practices and project ideas that can be further communicated and implemented in the respective home communities.


Eligible participants

  • Representatives of municipalities as well as representatives from municipally- owned service companies active in financing municipal services in this thematic area
  • Fluent English (translation to Ukrainian/Russian will not be provided

Requirements for application for participation

CV with relevant work experience

1-page Motivation letter containing following:

  • Practical perspective and firsthand experience in financing of municipal infrastructure and related services in the fields of waste and wastewater management
  • Willingness to engage in an exchange about current needs and challenges

in this thematic area.

Presentation of local good practices containing following:

  • What were the framework conditions for the practice that will be presented? (e.g. policy, legal regulation, instrument, reform approach, demand by people etc.; which actors/stakeholders were involved?)
  • What was the main challenge / issue / problem to be addressed by the practice?
  • Which methods, tools or instruments have been developed and were applied to address the challenge?
  • Which were the concrete tangible results, outcomes and/or impacts of the good practice and how do they ensure sustainability of the practice?
  • What are the main lessons learnt in the course of implementation of the good practice?
  • Are there any open questions that need to be dealt with?

Language of presentation – English.

Submitting of applications and deadlines

Please, send your applications to the following e-mail address:

The working language of the application is English.

Deadline for applications is 15th of August 2017

Selection of participants

Selection will be made on a competitive basis from among the submitted applications.




U-LEAD with Europe

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