Government has Improved the Land Resources Management System at the Local Level

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a resolution, the implementation of which would facilitate the elimination of abuses related to land at the local level and ensure the transparency and openness of those processes. When presenting the Government's resolution, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman underlined that, according to the information of law enforcement authorities, "there existed overwhelming abuses related to land at the local level". That is why, the day before, there was a meeting held by the Government with representatives of agrarian associations, based on the results of which meeting the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food jointly with the Ministry of Justice were ordered to prepare a draft resolution. 

"It cannot be tolerated, and we have to make a decision to discontinue any possibilities for misusing the land resources by any official at any place," the Prime Minister emphasised.  

The essence of the proposed amendments is to introduce such terms and conditions of land disposal in terms of its lease that it can be done only by holding an auction. In this connection, the land will be leased for a period not exceeding 7 years and the amount of land which may be transferred free of charge shall not exceed a quarter of land plots with respect of which the auction procedures have been carried out.

According to the calculations of the Government, it is expected that local budget revenues from the lease of state-owned land will exceed UAH 1 billion just in a year and a half. In this connection, an efficient anti-corruption mechanism will be introduced in the area of land relations.

In this context, the Head of Government ordered that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine should review all facts related to land "deals" and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine should work at the capabilities of the ProZorro system in terms of holding such auctions



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