The Government Appropriated Initial UAH 765 Million to Support Regional Development Projects

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine distributed the first tranche in the amount of UAH 765 million out of UAH 3.5 billion accumulated by the State Fund for Regional Development for the implementation of infrastructure projects in Ukrainian regions. It was so informed by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.

"Today, we will pass a resolution on the State Fund for Regional Development which is the instrument of state policy in this sphere for the implementation of the most needed infrastructure projects in the regions. Now, we are initiating the first stage - UAH 765 million, however, new resolutions will be passed in the nearest future. It means that we will channel the whole amount of UAH 3.5 billion for infrastructure projects currently being awaited for at the local level", the Head of Government noted.

He informed that, in accordance with the proposals submitted by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, the funds will be channelled for more than 100 facilities all over the country. In particular, above UAH 19 million will be appropriated for the construction of Oblast Perinatal Centre in Volynska Oblast, UAH 54 million for ophthalmological hospital at the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Clinical Hospital, UAH 23 million for the Poltavsky Clinical Cardiology Dispensary, almost UAH 2 million for the construction of a school in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, UAH 21 million for a school in Rivne Oblast, as well as UAH 5.5 million for general education school in Ternopil Oblast.

Special attention is paid to sports infrastructure - construction of stadiums and athletic fields, as well as to road construction and repair of transportation facilities, in particular, the Kherson Airport.

"That is only the first resolution, the first proposal by the Ministry of Regional Development. We will support the development of territories and, as a result, it will be our investment in economic development and jobs", the Head of Government assured.

He underlined that the success is secured, to a great extent, by the decentralisation processes initiated in 2014.

"Today, we see that the decentralisation has been already producing its effect. That can be seen in every corner of the country. Not everywhere, but in many cities, amalgamated territorial communities, and towns there are processes taking place which we can observe: if we see a new road, a new kindergarten, school, medical and obstetrical station or any such repaired facilities, new public transport, lighting, boiler houses - all that is the product of the decentralisation. You should know that everything you see today has become possible because we started to introduce these changes in 2014", the Prime Minister underlined



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