15 March 2025

Minregion turned to the VRU committee for support of the draft law, that would contribute to completion of territorial community unification procedure

The Ministry of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine turned to the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for industrial policy and entrepreneurship, asking it to consider and support the adoption of a the draft Law “On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine as to Peculiarities of State Registration of Local Self-government Bodies as Legal Persons” #3106.

According to the First deputy Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Negoda, adoption of the draft law will regulate procedural issues of transitional period of territorial communities’ unification.

He says that, as of now, a set of issues still remains unregulated. These include: the order of reorganization of village, settlement, city councils, and their executive committees as legal persons; the issues regarding state registration of termination of activity of local self-government bodies as legal persons, as well as other important procedural matters.

“On October 25, 159 unified territorial communities will elect local council deputies and heads. In order to avoid blocking of activity of local councils in these united territorial communities, we need to re-register more than three hundred local councils and their executive committees. Beside that, we should provide for state registration of termination of authority of more than a thousand local councils and their executive commissions. This is an urgent task, hence, it calls for an optimal procedure”, Vyacheslav Negoda explained.

The official added, that removal of legislative drawbacks would create adequate conditions for completion of the procedure of voluntary unification of territorial communities, in the context of formation of local self-government bodies of new unified territorial communities.

We should remind that a few days ago the Association of Ukrainian cities also addressed the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a request to consider and adopt the draft law # 3106.


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