On September 1 the Law on decentralization of architectural and construction control entered into force

Today, on September 1, the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine relating to decentralization of powers in the field of architectural and construction control and improvement of urban planning legislation" has entered into force.

The law provides for delegation of functions and, partly, responsibilities concerning state architectural and building control from the State inspection (inspectorate) to local self-government bodies and local executive authorities.
Beside that, certain authorization and coordination procedures in construction are simplified.

We should remind, that on August 19, 2015 the Government adopted a set of normative and legal acts, developed by Minregion, in order to ensure further implementation of provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine relating to decentralization of powers in the field of architectural and construction control and improvement of urban planning legislation".

While presenting the respective package of CMU decrees, the Vice-Prime Minister, the Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal economy of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko, noted, that delegation of city-building competencies to local authorities would decrease housing prices.

Previously, it was stated by the deputy Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal economy of Ukraine, Roman Abramovsky, that delegation of authority from the State inspectorate for architecture and construction to the local level would strengthen communities’ control of construction process and enhance responsibility of local self-government bodies for newly-built architectural objects.

On April 9, 2015, Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine relating to decentralization of powers in the field of architectural and construction control and improvement of urban planning legislation", developed by Minregion, which aimed to reform the system of state architectural and construction control and delegate the respective functions and competencies from state to local level. 


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