“Sustainable Mobility” comes to Ukraine

Representatives of the “Sustainable Mobility” Project at GIZ HQ arrived in Ukraine to investigate entry points for U-LEAD support to Ukraine in the field of transport and mobility at local, regional and national levels.

One of the key goals of the mission was to identify opportunities for deeper engagement in terms of mobility, as well as to assess key needs of amalgamated hromadas at issue, e.g. organization of local tenders for public transport services, transport infrastructure planning and maintenance, vehicle weight control measures, school bus programmes, access to healthcare and other social services etc.

During four days the mission has had 15 productive meetings in Kyiv and Poltava with current and potential partners, both internal (GIZ) and external (from the ministry level to hromada level) with the aim to identify areas of possible intervention within the context of the decentralisation reform. In particular, it was discussed how regional cooperation between hromadas, cities and oblast authorities could lead to an improvement of the provision of transport infrastructure and mobility services in the long-run.

Further plans include the preparation of trainings on mobility for amalgamated hromadas and other main stakeholders, sharing examples and experience of mobility concepts in rural areas in Europe and submission of amendments to the National Transport Strategy 2030 with regards to the decentralisation reform.

20.04.2017 - 16:15 | Views: 7793
“Sustainable Mobility” comes to Ukraine





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