The Cabinet of Ministers Approved Strategy for Reforming the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The approval of the draft document will promote the establishment of an efficient system for prevention of emergency situations and fires. The relevant resolution was approved during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on 25 January.

According to the Strategy, in the amalgamated territorial communities, new fire-fighting and rescue units of the local and voluntary fire protection service will be established, as well the existing ones will be reformed, in the course of three years. Moreover, the technical re-equipment of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine has already begun.

It is important that the said document provides for the responsibility of local self-government bodies for fire safety of settlements and territories. From now on, it is the local self-government bodies that have to encourage residents to join local fire protection service and voluntary fire-fighting (emergency rescue) units. In the regions, there begins the formation of a voluntary movement in the area of civil protection and training of voluntary fire-fighters who will be included in the units of emergency and fire response forces.

Also, the liability of managers of business entities for violation of the requirements of fire and technogenic safety will increase, with the introduction of significant administrative sanctions.

It is expected that the implementation of the Strategy which is anticipated to continue for three years will ensure sufficient security level for the population, protection of territories, and economic entities against natural emergencies and technological threats, increase the efficient operation of civil protection forces.

The funding of measures under the Strategy will be carried out on account of the state budget and local budgets under the expenditure categories appropriated for key spending units for a respective year, as well as by the involvement of other sources, in particular, international technical assistance.




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