14 Amalgamated Communities Signed Memorandums of Cooperation with SKL International with respect to the Establishment of Administrative Service Centres

Today, 24 January 2017, the Memorandums of Cooperation were ceremonially signed by representatives of 14 amalgamated communities and SKL International with respect to the establishment of administrative service centres in those communities.

During the event, Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Roman Chuprynenko thanked representatives of the international and donor community for the support for important democratic transformations in the country. "One of the key objectives of the decentralisation comprises the establishment of a comfortable and secure environment for the life of people in the country. And today, a new page of our cooperation is being opened in that direction. I am sure that the smooth operation of the administrative service centres in those amalgamated communities will become an example for others and will show the opportunities of the reform implementation in the interests of an individual and the community", Roman Chuprynenko said.

In SKL International, they noted that, within the framework of the Memorandum, it is provided for conducting building renovations and equipping the administrative service centres, as well as training relevant specialists and carrying out awareness campaigns on the activities of such centres in those 14 communities. The total amount of funding is EUR 8 million.

During the event, the sponsors informed that, in the nearest future, there would be held a competitive selection of 10 more amalgamated communities for providing assistance thereto for the development of administrative service centres in those communities.

As it is known, SKL International implements the Initial Phase of the U-LEAD Component 2 project "Establishment of Administrative Service Centres and Raising Public Awareness on the Local Self-Government" in terms of the development of administrative service centres, which project is funded by the European Union and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

It was reported earlier that, according to the U-LEAD Component 2, it was planned to open not less than 24 administrative service centres in the established amalgamated communities by the end of 2017 and up to 600 centres, by the end of 2020.

Reference information

The list of amalgamated communities which signed the Memorandum with SKL International with respect to the establishment of administrative service centres:

Chervonenska (Zhytomyr Oblast)
Starobohorodchanska (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast)
Hostomelska (Kyiv Oblast)
Novostrilyshchynska (Lviv Oblast)
Zolotnykivska (Ternopil Oblast)
Skalatska (Ternopil Oblast)
Tiachivska (Zakarpattya Oblast)
Medzhybizka (Khmelnytskyi Oblast)
Novoushytska (Khmelnytskyi Oblast)
Polonska (Khmelnytskyi Oblast)
Kochubeivska (Kherson Oblast)
Kiptivska (Chernihiv Oblast)
Yerkivska (Cherkasy Oblast)
Kalynivska (Vinnytsya Oblast)




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