Prime Minister: Approval of Budget-2017 enabled the country to start the upcoming year pursuant to the plan

Adoption of the State Budget for 2017 guarantees the country will start the upcoming year according to the schedule and all the priorities designed to trigger the development will be pursued. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman announced in his opening statement at a Government meeting on Wednesday.

"Today I can say that having the Budget approved we are starting 2017 in full compliance with the plan. This means that we will develop the national economy, we will ensure economic upturn. We’ll do a lot of different projects", explained Volodymyr Groysman.

"This Budget is absolutely realistic. The topmost thing is each particular Ukrainian citizen, a person is the core of this Budget", he said.

The Prime Minister congratulated everybody on the acceptance by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the state budget for next year.

Volodymyr Groysman thanked the Government team, the President of Ukraine, the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentary factions and MPs, including unaffiliated parliamentarians who backed the Ukrainian Budget, as well as experts for participation.

"They have supported the development, the priorities of this Budget that puts an emphasis on each particular Ukrainian citizen. They voted for the stability in our country and actually exercised a very important function: they assumed commitment not just in words, but in deeds – they proved their ability to demonstrate political leadership", noted the Head of Government.




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