Volodymyr Groysman says State Budget for 2017 is person-centered, designed to restore social justice and to trigger revival of national economy

The state budget for 2017 is a budget focusing on needs of people designed to restore social justice and to revive the national economy. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman before the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2017.

"This is a person-centered budget. We will provide expenses for defense sector. We will conduct major road repair activities. We will support the agricultural sector. We will raise teachers' salaries by 50%, those for doctors – by 30%. We will allocate UAH 6 billion for medicines. We will begin starting April 1 reimbursement - free medicines for those with chronic diseases”, noted the Prime Minister, commenting on the priorities of the Budget for 2017.  

Moreover, in particular, the Budget provides for wage increases for the Ukrainian rescuers from being UAH 3 thousand to UAH 5 thousand in 2017.

Speaking about the need to prolong a decentralization reform in 2017, the Prime Minister offered to demonstrate in Parliament the monthly showings – how local budgets are filled.

"You will see hundreds of millions, or even billions, you will have at your disposal to build schools, kindergartens, roads and everything necessary to the inhabitants of your cities. You will witness the continuation of a large-scale decentralization process," stressed Volodymyr Groysman.

The Prime Minister highlighted that the Government had engaged on the compilation of the Ukrainian budget for 2017. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine timely submitted the draft budget to the Ukrainian Parliament and since September 15 in synergy with factions, groups and committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine had worked to find "the best possible remedies for Ukraine for the upcoming 2017".

"These findings, which are provided by the Budget Code, by the Regulations, constitute the part that appearto be amendments to the Budget prepared by our team," said the Head of  Government.

"I ask for your support as also your support is crucial for the Ukrainian society. I know that today you will demonstrate maturity", accentuated Volodymyr Groysman, addressing MPs before the vote for the draft law on the budget in second reading and in whole.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude to MPs – members of factions of the Petro Poroshenk Bloc, the People’s Front, the Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party, groups the Will of People and the Revival Party for their vote in favour of Budget 2017, as well as the faction the Self-Reliance Union for the concern and work on the draft law.

However, he noted that the political forces not supporting Budget 2017 would vote "against the Ukrainian people, against salaries and pensions, against normal roads, free drugs", and added it could bring to the destruction of the country.





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